value853 was established by Michael Zheng and Jacky Wong and was founded on a shared vision to help the average person understand investing.


  • We are fundamental value investors and believers in modern technology. The combination of modern data processing capabilities and value investing principles has allowed us to build our own proprietary database.

  • Using this extensive database we are able to employ a systematic process to identify undervalued securities and create a portfolio based on their valuation and character.


  • Value offers subscription products cross investment strategies and regions

our products


Choose between 20-40 securities, all chosen securities will be within MSCI Russell 1000 INDEX, all securities will be both large and liquid


small to mid-cap companies, Choose between 20-40 securities, market cap 500m-15b. 

MSCI World

Choose between 20-40 securities, all chosen securities will be within MSCI WORLD INDEX, all securities will be both large and liquid

Our Mission Is to Build the Foundation of a Secure Future

The primary test of managerial economic performance is the achievement of a high earnings rate on equity capital employed without undue leverage, accounting gimmicky and not the achievement of consistent gains in earning per share.

warren buffett
